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Psychological support and follow-up
You can also find mutual support associations in this directory.
By Theme
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Ligne d'information*Ain, Loire, Rhônehelpline
"Allo écoute ado" youth helpline
For 10- to 25-year-olds with professional listeners.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*Ain, Loire, RhôneIn-person support, helpline
"Mon Parcours Psy" scheme
National scheme providing psychological support to anybody
- Violence, *Ligne d'information*, *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*Ain, Loire, Rhônehelpline
Aides aux victimes | Help for victims
A helpline for victims of assault, theft, burglary, physical and sexual violence, or other offenses.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*Rhône, Ain, Loirehelpline
Association aiming to promote students’ well-being.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Ligne d'information*, Violence, SocialAin, Loire, Rhônehelpline
Centre d’information sur les droits des femmes et des familles (CIDFF) | Center for information on women’s and family rights
The CIDFF is an association specializing in information and support for women and families in legal, professional, social, and family matters.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Ligne d'information*Rhône, Ain, Loirehelpline
Croix-Rouge écoute (Red-Cross helpline)
Psychological support helpline
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Association d'entraide*, DeuilAin, Loire, Rhônehelpline
Empreintes bereavement helpline
The “Empreinte” bereavement helpline supports adults, teens, and children experiencing bereavement.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Dépistage*, *Ligne d'information*Ain, Loire, Rhônehelpline
Fil Santé Jeunes | Young people's health line
A help and discussion phone line for young people aged between 12 and 25 years old with health concerns.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*Rhônehelpline, In-person support
Institut Régional Jean Bergeret (IRJB)
A listening and support scheme for students in Lyon.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Ligne d'information*Rhônehelpline
LIVE "Ligne Info Vinatier Ecoute” helpline
A mental health help, information and orientation phone line.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Association d'entraide*, DeuilAin, Loire, Rhônehelpline
Naître et vivre (Birth and Life)
Support for families mourning the loss of a baby.
- *Ligne d'information*, Violence, *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*Ain, Loire, Rhônehelpline
National Coordination for Supporting Students | Cnaé
Listening, support and reporting system for students experiencing situations of distress, violence or discrimination.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*Ain, Loire, Rhônehelpline
Nightline is a nighttime helpline run by students for students.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, Deuil, Suicide watch, *Ligne d'information*Rhône, Ain, Loirehelpline
Numéro national de prévention du suicide | National number for Suicide Prevention – 3114
3114 is the national number for Suicide Prevention.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, Suicide watchRhône, Ain, Loirehelpline
SOS Suicide Phénix
A discussion forum to breakdown isolation and to prevent people suffering alone.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, Suicide watchAin, Loire, Rhônehelpline
Suicide Écoute | Suicide Hotline
The Suicide Écoute (Suicide Hotline) is for those considering or planning to take their own lives.
- Psychic disorders, *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Association d'entraide*Ain, Loire, Rhônehelpline
The “Funambules Falret Soutien” support scheme
This is a support scheme for children, teens and young adults who have a family member suffering from mental distress.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*Rhône, Ain, Loirehelpline
“SOS Surdus” helpline for deaf and hard-of-hearing people
A place for deaf and hard-of-hearing people to speak freely.
In-person support
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*Ain, Loire, RhôneIn-person support, helpline
"Mon Parcours Psy" scheme
National scheme providing psychological support to anybody
- Violence, *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*LoireIn-person support
Association interprofessionnelle de soins et de prévention des abus sexuels (AISPAS) | Inter-professional association for the care and prevention of sexual abuse
Counseling for victims and their families, legal and psychological consultations, and training for professionals.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*LoireIn-person support
CCAS de Roanne | Roanne Communal Center for Social Action
A communal information and guidance scheme
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, Soin psychiatrique, *Urgences psychiatriques*, EmergencyRhôneIn-person support
Cellule d'urgence médico-psychologique | Emergency psychology unit
The emergency psychology unit is a specific facility providing care for people experiencing psychological trauma following a major incident.
- Soin psychiatrique, *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*RhôneIn-person support
Centre Action Thérapeutique contre l'Isolement et le Suicide (ATIS) | Center for Therapeutic Action against Isolation and Suicide
Psychological support and follow-up in Lyon.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*RhôneIn-person support
Centre Psychanalytique de Consultations et Traitement (CPCT) | Psychoanalytic Center for Consultations and Treatment (CPCT)
Counseling, treatment, and guidance for anyone who needs it.
- Violence, *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Association d'entraide*RhôneIn-person support
Collectif Metoo Lyon | MeToo Lyon
An association for the combat against gender-based and sexual violence
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*LoireIn-person support
Espace Info Jeunes | Youth Information Center
A municipal reception, advice, and guidance service for any young people in Saint-Etienne on themes of their daily life.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*RhôneIn-person support
Espace Santé Jeunes (ESJ) | Youth Health Forum
Health information forum for young people and their friends and family.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Association d'entraide*LoireIn-person support
Groupe d'entraide mutuelle du Roannais | Roanne Mutual Support Group
On-site services supporting people with psychological difficulties.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*Rhônehelpline, In-person support
Institut Régional Jean Bergeret (IRJB)
A listening and support scheme for students in Lyon.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Conduites addictives*RhôneIn-person support
Le Lieu Ecoute | Youth Counseling Desk
The Lieu Ecoute is a Youth Counseling Desk (PAEJ) for young people aged between 11 and 25, their parents and professionals, located in Vaulx-en-Velin. Individual sessions are anonymous, confidential, and free.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*Rhône, Ain, LoireIn-person support
Maisons des adolescents support service
Places of reception, information, support and care for adolescents and young adults (from 11 to 21 years old or even 25 years old depending on the arrangements) and/or their families.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*RhôneIn-person support
The Écoute Lyon Bellecour counseling service
A counseling service without an appointment, in the Bellecour metro station.
If you are struggling or having suicidal thoughts
If you have questions about your health, how to access care, or if you need to talk or discuss a situation: your institution’s health services are there to listen to you and are the first point of contact for taking care of your health.
How to benefit from low-cost sessions with a psychologist
You can benefit from 12 free sessions with a psychologist through the national schemes Santé Psy étudiants (only for students) and Mon Parcours Psy (for anyone aged 3 and up).
Taking care of your mental health is essential!
Useful Resources
► Le Psycom is the national website of reference to improve understanding and provide information about mental health.
► Le kit de (sur)vie de Nightline (Nightline's survival kit) provides students with a personalized and interactive experience with mini-games, exercises, activities and summary sheets to take care of their mental health, as well as information on how to support a loved one in distress.