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If you are properly informed, you can seek treatment at the right price

How are health care costs calculated?

Regardless of the type of health care professional you are seeing, whether a general practitioner, a specialist, the hospital, the pharmacy... there are health care costs involved, with the exception of some hospitalizations, where the costs are fully covered by the French National Health Service. Health care costs are almost always split into three parts:

  1. The first part, known as “mandatory portion”. This is covered by the French National Health Service.
  2. The complementary portion – known as the “ticket modérateur” or co-pay. This part remains at your expense, so be sure to read on! It is reimbursed by your mutual health insurance, if you have one.
  3. The fixed rate (paid by all, with the exception of those who benefit from solidarity health coverage).

Reducing the sum left outstanding: you have several options!

You see a health professional (gynecologist, ophthalmologist or optician, dentist, etc.): you can take out supplementary health insurance or subscribe to a mutual health fund: these are organizations to which you pay an annual contribution so you are partially or fully covered for the co-pay of your medical costs, depending on the contract you choose.

You regularly see a health professional, but your budget does not allow you take out supplementary health insurance, a simple and protective system is available:

Solidarity health coverage

Solidarity health coverage means you can access quality health care without any outstanding expense to you, for little or no financial contribution on your part.
► Everything you need to know about solidarity health coverage (in French)

The “100% Santé” (100% Health) offer

What is the “100% Santé” (100% Health) offer?

An offer that gives you access to prescription glasses, hearing aids and quality dental prostheses, 100% covered by Social Security and supplementary health care coverage.
Everything you need to know about “100% Santé” on the website of the French National Health Service (CPAM).

Find out more about the "100% santé offer from the Ministry of Health (in french)

Who is entitled to it?

“100% Santé” is intended for anyone with solidarity health coverage or a so-called ‘responsible’ supplementary health care scheme (nearly 95% of all contracts in the sector).
If in doubt, then ask the organization that provides your supplementary scheme.

Focus on the optical offer: fully covered prescription glasses

All opticians in France should be able to offer:
- At least 17 models of adult frames in 2 different colors,
- Lenses (thinned, anti-reflective, etc.) for all visual corrections with an remaining cost of €0.
► In practice: if you choose frames and lenses from the “100% Santé” range, the remaining cost will be €0.

Find out more about cover prescription frames and lenses from the French Health Insurance, Ameli (in french)

Why register for the French National Health System?

Registration for the national health system (“Assurance maladie”) is mandatory and free of charge. You will need to register on (in French) for coverage and/or reimbursement of your health care expenses throughout your time in higher education.