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Mutual support associations
In alphabetical order
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Association d'entraide*Rhônehelpline
"T.a.Bou" and "ASRA" support schemes
T.a.Bou is a support system, managed by and for medical interns in the Lyon subdivision, in partnership with the Aide aux Soignants d'Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (ASRA) network.
- Violence, *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Association d'entraide*RhôneIn-person support
Collectif Metoo Lyon | MeToo Lyon
An association for the combat against gender-based and sexual violence
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Association d'entraide*, DeuilAin, Loire, Rhônehelpline
Empreintes bereavement helpline
The “Empreinte” bereavement helpline supports adults, teens, and children experiencing bereavement.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Association d'entraide*LoireIn-person support
Groupe d'entraide mutuelle du Roannais | Roanne Mutual Support Group
On-site services supporting people with psychological difficulties.
- *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Association d'entraide*, DeuilAin, Loire, Rhônehelpline
Naître et vivre (Birth and Life)
Support for families mourning the loss of a baby.
- *Association d'entraide*, *Ligne d'information*Loire, Rhône, Ainhelpline
The “Communautés 360” association
An association supporting people with disabilities and their friends and family.
- Psychic disorders, *Accompagnement et suivi psychologique*, *Association d'entraide*Ain, Loire, Rhônehelpline
The “Funambules Falret Soutien” support scheme
This is a support scheme for children, teens and young adults who have a family member suffering from mental distress.
- Psychic disorders, *Association d'entraide*Loire, Rhône, AinIn-person support
Union nationale des familles et des amis de malades psychiques | National Union of Families and Friends of the Mentally Ill
UNAFAM receives families of people with a mental illness. The association is present in all administrative departments and a family can contact the delegation of their local administrative department, even if the student lives in another administrative department.