- Health at the Université de Lyon
- 5-step care pathway
- Mental health
Stop violences
- Stop violences - Reporting incidents
- How does the reporting procedure work?
- Learning more about gender-based or sexual violence
- Learning more about discriminations
- What does the law say?
- Seeking assistance from specialized local organizations
- Emergency numbers and counseling line
- Tools for identifying and combating violence
- Health directory
If you have questions about your health, how to access care, or if you need to talk or discuss a situation: your institution’s health services are there to listen to you and are the first point of contact for taking care of your health.
Their medical and paramedical teams of professionals (doctors, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, dietitians, etc.) will give you a warm welcome while respecting medical confidentiality, to help you look after your physical and mental health. You will find a listening ear, free consultations and, in some cases, general and specialist medical care.
If your institution does not have a university health service, be sure to ask the people in charge of student life and/or health for advice: they will be able to refer you to the professionals best suited to your situation.
Find all their contact details, institution by institution, below
The CROUS’ mission is to promote better living and working conditions for students in higher education.
University Health Service – LyonTech-la Doua, Lyon-Est, Lyon-Sud Campuses
University Health Services
Preventive Medicine Service
University Preventive Medicine
Preventive Medicine Service
Health Center
Preventive Medicine Service
Affiliated with the University Health Services of the Université Lumière Lyon 2 and the University Preventive Medicine service of the Université Jean Monnet.
Preventive Medicine Service
Affiliated with the University Health Services of the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Affiliated with the University Preventive Medicine (MPU) service of the Université Jean Monnet.
Health and wellness center
Preventive Medicine Service
Preventive Medicine Service
Preventive Medicine Service
Affiliated with the University Health Service of the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Affiliated with the University Preventive Medicine (MPU) service of the Université Jean Monnet.
Health Forum
Affiliated with the University Preventive Medicine (MPU) service of the Université Jean Monnet.
Preventive Medicine Service
Affiliated with the University Health Service of the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Are you a student with a disability? There are services and accommodations for your studies and/or exams. You are not alone. The "missions Handicap" (Handicap missions) of your institutions are here to help you, and to find solutions suited to your situation, including in the event of a temporary incapacity (following an accident, for example).
“Physical activity is good for hearts, bodies, and minds”
(Source: WHO). However, it is not always easy for students with a limited budget and a busy schedule to carry out a physical activity. Have you considered contacting the university service for physical and sporting activities (SUAPS) and the student sports association (A.S.) of your institution? They often have a wide range of free opportunities!