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Tools for identifying and combating violence
Online training sessions
Nous Toutes (all of us) organizes training sessions that aim to provide a basic understanding of the issue of gender-based and sexual violence: definitions, key figures, mechanisms of violence, what to say to a victim
Stand Up (in French)Stand Up organizes training sessions on how to deal with street harassment.
Training in gender equality (MOOC) (in French)This training course explores real equality between women and men, covering education, stereotypes, parity, everyday sexism and more.
Discrimination: understanding in order to act (MOOC) (in French)The National Center for Public Servants has teamed up with the Rights Defender to offer a MOOC that provides keys to identifying, understanding and combating discrimination.
Brochures, guides, lexicon
This (non-exhaustive) lexicon contains definitions of words related to gender, sexual identity and sexual orientation.
The cycle of violence #AmourSansViolence (in French)CIDFF’s #amoursansviolence (#lovewithoutviolence) campaign explains the mechanisms of violence within romantic relationships. On the website, you’ll find an awareness raising kit.
Combating homophobia (in French)This brochure is aimed at higher education professionals and is designed to provide information and resources for people dealing with homophobia.
A practical guide to fighting discrimination (in French)This guide, published by the French Ministry for Towns, Youth and Sport, gives a better understanding of discrimination and provides an exhaustive overview of the measures and tools available to combat it.
The Equality-Diversity Mission at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 has produced a podcast dealing with stereotypes and discrimination, based on student testimonials, with the participation of experts and professionals.
Féminisme Initial (Initial feminism) (in French)In collaboration with Sciences Po, the High Council for Gender Equality (HCE) is publishing a 7-episode podcast on gender equality and women’s rights.
Kiffe ta race (Love your race) (in French)This podcast by Rokhaya Diallo and Grace Ly takes a conversational, real-life look at issues of racial and sexual discrimination.
Un podcast à soi (Your own podcast) (in French)Every month, Un podcast à soi combines intimacy and expertise, personal accounts and insights, to tackle issues of gender and feminism.
LE PETIT BLEU (in French)Le petit bleu is a series of podcasts about transidentity.