Health in your institution, Vaccines - Rhône

Preventive Medicine Service

INSA’s Preventive Medicine Service is composed of a multidisciplinary team comprising 1 preventive medecine doctor, 1 general practitioner, 1 coordinating nurse, 4 nurses and 1 psychiatrist – who receive all INSA Lyon students within the framework of:

- Treatments – the students can consult the nurses without an appointment from Monday to Friday, 7.30 am to 6 pm (during term periods) concerning physical and psychological health issues, who will advise them to consult other health professionals if necessary;
- A help and support service for students experiencing personal problems;
- Individual prevention (medical visits, health consultations) and collective prevention (thematic programming).

Within the framework of collective prevention, the preventive medicine team organizes workshops accessible to all INSA students throughout the year:
- “Support your health” groups
- Stress management workshops
- Workshops on breathing techniques
- Workshops for self-massage
- Sophrology workshops